For students who are learning about modern engineering materials and the science behind it, the Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 9th Edition, by William D. Callister, David G. Rethwisch is a wonderful teaching text for this section of the sciences. The book’s information is presented in a way that is detailed and easily understandable for students who are learning about the three main materials used in many forms of modern day engineering.
These include: Polymeric Materials, Metals and Ceramics. This is an area of study that will help prepare students to advance in their engineering degree and is quite informative for their degree process.
Callister and Rethwisch’s Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 9th Edition, is designed to help students to understand not only these three main materials used in engineering and manufacturing today, but the text helps students to also understand their many modern uses and composites. The book is quite detailed and offers insight into varied relationships between structural elements of these three materials and the properties and consistency of these materials in their modern uses. Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 9th Edition offers more than a bit of guidance for the student who aspires to grasp a greater understanding of the science behind this manufacturing form of engineering. The book serves as a teaching guide to help them better prepare for their engineering degree.
This text is quite comprehensive in data and also includes a program known as WileyPLUS for advanced learning capability. This program allows students to gain available access to the online Callister and Rethwisch’s Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 9th Edition textbook. This WileyPLUS version of the text has a full program for students to access that also allows students to access a series of practice tests that helps to prepare students for their exams. Whether the student’s class is online or in person, these practice exams allow students ample time to prepare at their own convenience.
In addition, the WileyPLUS version of the text also provides students with a tutorial style of question and answer format. This format is designed to allow students real hands on exam preparation. This special program enables students to work through a variety of questions that are pertinent to each chapter and relevant to key questions on the books tests. The tutorial format guides students through the questions and information processing and correcting their errors with correct data.
This is especially helpful when a student feels as if the complexities of the question leave them wondering why their answer is incorrect. The WileyPLUS version of the text helps students to understand what they should do next during the exam process to better solve the problems in the exam. In addition, the WileyPLUS version of the text offers students prompts and provides them with guidance and assistance through potential trouble spots during the question and test process. The program is designed to offer a student feedback on all their incorrect answers. This special feature enhances the learning process and further allows students to get a better comprehension of the data as they take the practice exam.