English Worksheets

english australian curriculumIf you are a teacher, you know that the job never ends. You wake up thinking about what you will be doing with your students today. If you teach younger children, you likely encounter crises at every hour, from cleaning up messes to breaking up scuffles. If you are lucky enough to have free periods, you are probably supervising the lunchroom or answering emails from concerned parents. Once the day finally ends, you get to grade assignments and plan what you’ll do tomorrow.

There is no shame is using English worksheets from the internet. Teachers need to stick together and share resources. Jacaranda has teachers’ backs and offers a treasure trove of resources for teaching various English concepts. Best of all, the materials are designed to align with the Australian Curriculum. Instead of having to figure out how to fit the lessons you know your students need to learn into the mandated curriculum, Jacaranda’s materials are organized to correspond to each strand of the Australian Curriculum for English.

If you are the parent of a child who is struggling with learning English, you can provide your own tutoring using Jacaranda’s resources. The advantage of utilizing English worksheets at home or in the classroom is that you can teach students the same concept multiple ways and at different difficultly levels. Jacaranda’s resources were created to meet the needs of all students.

Countries are measured by their literacy rate. The ability to read and write has become a pre-requisite for most jobs, and English is now the global lingua franca. Society charges English teachers with a huge responsibility. Jacaranda wants to make sure no student gets left behind. Of course, our worksheets can be helpful for adults who are trying to improve their English skills as well.

The most crucial part of learning English is having a great resource, be it a teacher, textbook or worksheets. Jacaranda offers electronic English resources that allow each student to attempt more difficult lessons as they master each concept. No longer do teachers have to to decide between moving on to new material knowing that some students do not understand what they heard yesterday or continuing to repeat what they said the day before at the expense of the students who are ready for the next challenge. Our lessons provoke students’ natural curiosity to comprehend the intricacies of English.

Jacaranda offers a variety of products, including the “English is..” series. The “English is…” eBookPLUS is an electronic textbook packed with and multimedia materials and English worksheets. “English is…” offers differentiated, engaging activities that spark students’ creativity and inspire them to learn the art of writing. The eGuidePLUS provides not only the answers for all of the “English is…” activities, but it also contains curriculum grids, notes and links to additional resources. For a small fee, teachers can upgrade their account to benefit from having access to “English is…” while not online on any device. Take a look at their website.

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