Accounting: Where to find good text books for students to learn from?

accounting UNI students have to buy a great many books over their educational career. Accounting students are no different. Luckily, there are many good text books for students to learn from. Accounting: Business Reporting For Decision Making 4th Edition is one such good text.

Accounting is a rather difficult to understand subject for many students. The subject is seen as esoteric and too difficult for most students to understand. This is thought to be more true if the student in question is not an accounting major. Many such students have to take an economics class to fulfil their general education requirements. A good book, easy to read and understand, is the best kind of text for them. Accounting: Business Reporting for Decision Making, 4th Edition just such a book.

This text is written for students who are not accounting majors. It is designed to break up the information so that it makes perfect sense for even the greenest of accounting students. It covers the basics of financial accounting, finance and management. It also contains an introduction to ethics, business sustainability and corporate governance.

Accounting: Business Reporting For Decision Making focuses on the application of business principles and understanding of business reports. It teaches how accounting is used to guide businesses in the decision making process. The text offers many easy to understand explanations and examples of the business applications of accounting information. The book strives to make the student appreciate the importance of economic theory and accounting practice.

The 4th Edition also includes an interactive teaching aide. The iStudy companion aide is composed of many interactive modules with videos to fully illuminate the key concepts found in the text. Each module is complete with a summarized version of the text. Handy voice over audio allows for another way to absorb the information offered. Synergistic activities further assist learning and even allow the students to test their newly found knowledge.

Each chapter attempts to group the material in a way that will make the most sense. For example, in the 4th edition, the first chapter covers elementary facets of how accounting works. The student can quickly gain a bare bones understanding of the subject. It outlines how accounting information informs the business decision making process with both the pluses and minuses. It lays out the limitations of accounting science in the understanding of the economy and how such information can damage a business. It goes so far as to lay out possible careers for those students who find themselves drawn to the field. Later chapters are just as informative and well laid out as this first chapter. Students should not worry about getting mired down in this well thought out book!

Accounting: Business Reporting For Decision Making 4th Edition is one of the better books in print today aimed at the novice accounting student. The authors have succeeded in writing a well rounded and easy to absorb text. It more than manages to teach everything a student needs to know to succeed in today’s economic environment.

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