Marketing isn’t easy; if it was then every business on the planet would be more successful than it is right now. While it might seem simple on the surface, the science of marketing is actually extremely involved. For students of marketing the book “Marketing Management The Big Picture” is now available from Wiley. Whether it’s for a college class or just for a reader’s own, personal edification this textbook is one of the major works on the subject of how to market effectively.
What’s Marketing Management?
“Marketing Management The Big Picture” offers readers a great deal of useful information, but even more important than that is the method the book uses to present that information. This text consists of 14 modules, and each one integrates with all the ones that came before in such a way that readers start with the foundation and move all the way to the pinnacle of marketing science.
That might not sound different from most texts, after all a book has to present basic concepts first and then build on them as the reader progresses. What makes this particular text different is that it focuses on integrating all of the concepts together into a single whole. If marketing was a gun, this text would be the owner’s manual that teaches someone how to strip it down to its basic parts and reassemble it. That is not a claim that can be made about every marketing text out there, and it’s what makes this book a special find for the marketing major.
Get it in Print or in Ebook
Not only is Marketing Management The Big Picture a great textbook on marketing and the science thereof, but it’s available both in a soft cover edition as well as in an electronic download format. While a lot of textbooks are refusing to move over to electronic download, opting instead for print editions that cost students an arm and a leg, that isn’t the case with this particular book. While students can opt for the physical copy, as some prefer an offline version, the electronic copy can be viewed or downloaded anywhere. The student paid for it after all, so why shouldn’t he or she have a copy on the Kindle, laptop, smartphone, or whatever other device goes to class for reference and note taking?
It’s All About Problem Solving
This text doesn’t guarantee that a student will become a marketing guru; no book can do that. What it will do however is show students how to think about marketing problems, and it will show them how to make better decisions. There are no guarantees in marketing since even supposedly foolproof campaigns can experience difficulties that make them fail. What a marketing specialist can do though is understand why and how a campaign fails, and use that knowledge to improve future efforts. A true marketing professional, the sort that reads and understands texts like this, is one who can predict outcomes based on his or her knowledge of the subject so companies get it right the first time as often as possible.