
Elon Musk’s 9.2% stake in Twitter

Elon Musk’s 9.2% stake in Twitter and his newly announced board seat has sent the left into an anti-free-speech tailspin.

Musk has been an outspoken proponent of free speech – which he says that failing to adhere to “fundamentally undermines democracy.”
On Monday, CNN host Brian Stelter said there’s a ‘fear’ over Musk’s move.

“There’s interest in billionaires, there’s celebration of the Musk. There’s also fear, I think, sometimes or wariness of- okay, so here’s the richest man on the planet who just bought a big chunk of one of our most important communications tools,” said Stelter. “”He’s also one of the biggest owners of satellites in the world. So he’s incredibly powerful, incredibly, I don’t know, am I allowed to use the word strange when talking about Elon Musk?”

Except, billionaires have been controlling information for decades and nobody had a problem.
Coping is not going well for the anti-free-speech crowd.

And it’s no wonder why the left is rattled – according to Statista, their biggest problem with Twitter is ‘inaccurate or misleading information,’ while they’re least concerned about ‘Twitter banning users.’
It appears the wokerati are more than happy to allow ‘free speech’ when it’s their speech but when ‘free speech’ is contemplated for all speech (even the evil ‘others’), tolerance goes out the window and tantrums dominate (until they get their way). Perhaps the real driver of this ‘fear’ of Elon goes back to his comments (paraphrased) that “wokeness… basically gives mean people a shield to be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue.”

Imagine the cognitive dissonance sweeping the nation as that reality soaks in (like there’s no need to wear a mask in a car when you’re alone).

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