A college degree results in a more fulfilling job with higher pay, better benefits and a better overall integrity about yourself. For some individuals, however, returning to school to earn such a degree seems nearly impossible. Work, children, family and other matters are all oftentimes factors resulting in the inability to further the education. Things have changed, however, and the chance to learn online has opened a plethora of opportunities for men and women (of all ages) who thought they’d never be able to attend college. Whether you have nothing more than a high school diploma or a bit of college experience, these online schooling opportunities could be the answer that you are looking to find.
To determine if online schools are suited for your lifestyle, take a look below and evaluate the pros and the cons of such a decision. Online school has both pros and cons, and is not suitable for everyone. Once you’ve looked at the pros and cons you’ll better understand where you fit in.
Pros of Online Learning
There are far more advantages of attending an online college than what you might imagine.
- Lower Tuition Costs: The cost of online school is sometimes half the cost of traditional college.
- It is Convenient: No traffic. No fuel costs. No babysitters. No classroom to sit inside day in and day out. Online school is most definitely convenient.
- Study at your own Pace: When you attend online college you can log in when the time is right for you, making it easy to work, take care of kids and more.
- Resource in your Hands: The Internet allows you to easily learn your classroom materials. There is always a teacher by your side.
- More Time with Family: So often our busy lives limit the time that we can spend with those we love the most. Not true when you study online.
Cons of Learning Online
Now for the disadvantages that come along with choosing to enroll in an online college.
- Distractions: There’s YouTube and of course Facebook and dozens upon dozens of other sites all begging for your attention. To learn online you need to be able to avoid these distractions while school is going on, and when you are studying/completing homework.
- Social: Many people associate college life with friends and fun, and you certainly miss out on that experience by choosing online school.
- No Structure: Again, online college requires that you be motivated and dedicated to your learning because there is not a teacher standing over you to force you to do your work or to listen. There’s no set hours for classroom time or studying and while many people feel this to be an advantage it is certainly just the opposite for many people.
The benefits of online learning are far nicer than the disadvantages, for most people, that is. Compare these lists then determine if you could benefit your life with a degree that you have earned from an online college. It is your call, but online college could definitely be something that changes your life forever.