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Dr. Lorelle Burton’s Psychology 4th Edition, the leading Australian psychology textbook, is now available from Wiley Direct. Students will find this new edition useful beginning in their introductory courses, continuing through their advanced courses, and throughout their careers. The revised edition enhances Dr. Burton’s award-winning textbook by adding 25% more content focused on Australian and New Zealand conditions, practices, and research. This added content includes local examples, statistics, and research citations, making this by far the most relevant and useful text for students in Australia and New Zealand. This edition makes ample use of cross-cultural studies to explore psychological phenomena from people with different ethnic backgrounds. Psychology 4th Edition provides comprehensive coverage of local and international data, as well as up-to-date research and examples. As a result, this textbook satisfies key requirements for the professional accreditation of psychology degrees.

Psychology 4th Edition is designed not only to provide information but also to facilitate long-term learning and retention. Each chapter opens with a Concept Map that summarizes the key topics and concepts covered in the chapter. Concepts are reinforced by Interim Summaries reiterating key psychological principles. All chapters include Scene Setters, real-world examples that help fix the concepts in student memory, and Central Questions that illuminate the fundamental issues being discussed. All chapters also include From Brain to Behaviour, an extended discussion of how particular issues in psychology are affected by both the innate nervous system and by acquired cultural experience. Making Connections fits disparate elements of psychology together, providing cross-referenced links to topics in other chapters.

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Each chapter in this edition has new and updated boxed features written by leading academics, focusing the latest psychological research. These boxed features include Commentary, insight into topical issues, and One Step Further, diving deeper into topics of particular relevance.

Psychology encourages students to integrate psychological principles into their everyday way of thinking. Apply and Discuss questions throughout each chapter encourage critical thinking by asking students to apply theory to a real-life situation. Ethical Dilemmas further stimulate critical thinking, providing students with multiple examples of potentially challenging situations commonly faced in psychology. Every chapter provides End of Chapter Review, Discussion, and Application Questions to solidify student understanding of each subject. In order to aid students who are studying the material independently, suggested answers to application questions are provided at the back of the text.

New in this edition are the enhanced electronic study aids iStudy and AssignMentor. These make it easy for students to test their knowledge of each module, reinforcing new material and helping students to retain it.

The authors of Psychology 4th Edition Burton, Associate Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) in the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Southern Queensland; Drew Westen, Professor in the Department of Psychology and Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Emory University; and Robin Kowalski, Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology at Clemson University.

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