A Brief Overview on Materials Science and Engineering

Materials-Science-and-Engineering-8e-textbook If you are a student studying Materials Science and Engineering and need some extra study materials, then the book by Callister and Rethwisch, Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 8th Edition is one that is sure to be of assistance This textbook is written using clear, concise language meant to teach the basics and help engineering students to clearly understand the three kinds of material types:

  • Metals
  • Ceramics
  • Polymeric materials

Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 8th Edition also explains and teaches about composites, and how they relate to the structural components of these materials and the existing properties. It is designed to aid students all through their engineering classes as well as in their future careers. It can also be used by educators to help motivate their students to do well.

Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, comes complete with access to WileyPLUS, which allows students to use a book version that is on the Internet. This also includes several tests that the students can use to practice and get better when they take exams on this subject.

Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 8th Edition is also supported by the Virtual Materials Science and Engineering Lab (VMSE), which is a special property database for materials that are related to problems covered in the book’s text. It contains brand new sections on topics such as tensile testing, solid solutions and diffusion.

Features of Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 8th Edition
This fantastic study guide also contains a multitude of other benefits for students, including:

  • Questions to check student’s knowledge on concepts and key ideas
  • Discussions that precisely explain and show the information on materials science and engineering concepts at a level geared to be easy to understand
  • The 8th edition covers introductory basics of the mechanical property categories and subjects.
  • The exclusive edition is the most current and up‐to‐date instructions and includes 22 chapters with materials on optical fibers used in communications, semiconducting materials, hexagonal unit cells, construction of crystallographic directions, along with the advanced data on ceramic and polymeric components.
  • Some of the other topics included: Shrink wrap polymer films, shape memory alloys, magnetic storage, silicon semiconductors, glass ceramics, and nano-composites in tennis balls.

The book has been updated with improved summary sections that students can use as a quick way to reference the material and be able to find the sections and topics that they find are the most important in their classes. It incorporates new key symbols as part of this referencing system. There are also about 500 new photos included in this version of the book that are meant to motivate students so they will want to study longer.

There is also an Appendix B included that has eleven properties and a set of about 100 items that can also be employed in solving the problems on material science, as well as Appendix C, which contains the cost of the items in the other appendix.

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