The latest update of the Wiley textbook series that teaches undergraduate students of economics and finance, as well as early graduate studies of those subjects the basics of how to use econometrics modeling in a variety of fields. The fields this book applies to can include political science, law, sociology and public policy. Once the student has gained knowledge of econometrics as discussed in the book, they will be able to critically review the research that is undertaken by leading economists and modelers and it will provide a stepping stone toward further studies within the field of economics. The techniques applied in this book that will continue to help students in their further studies include forecasting, estimation, inference and complex modeling. This is the newest edition of one of the most highly regarded econometrics texts that has many changes that make the content more easily accessible and presents students with a multitude of chances to practice what they are learning in the form of end of chapter exercises.
The book, as written by authors R. Carter Hill, William E. Griffiths, and Guay C. Lim is divided into many parts. The first provides a broad overview of econometrics, to allow students to get acquainted with the subject matter at hand. After that broad overview, the book focuses in on linear regression models which allow students to grasp what basic modeling techniques look like. Soon after that, the book then delves into estimating at intervals and hypothesis testing and the processes that lead you to undertaking them. After that, there are several chapters that dive into more complex techniques of modeling. The level of depth this textbook applies to the field of econometrics is unparalleled, while also being easy enough for anyone with the prerequisite knowledge to understand.
If you are looking for a textbook that provides your students with an understanding of the study of econometrics, it’s hard to beat the Principles of Econometrics 5th Edition by Hill, Griffiths, and Lim. This textbook is a marvel that will allow anyone studying unparalleled insight into econometrics.