Issues in Accounting eBook first edition

accountingContemporary Issues In Accounting 1st Edition, is written by several experts in the world of accounting standards including Michaela Rankin, Patricia Stanton, Susan McGowan, Kimberly Ferlauto, and Matthew Tilling. Reflecting a broad range of important topics, this book issued by Wiley, prepares students for professional practice through intelligent and thoughtful exploration of the contemporary world of accounting. These topics include fair value accounting, environmental accounting and sustainability, earnings management, the financial indicators of corporate collapse, corporate governance, and approaches to measurement. University students studying accounting, finance, and / or business will benefit enormously from the professional tone and real world focus of this text.

Students of accounting and finance in today’s fast paced world of business in Australia need to be prepared for the full complexity and the high stakes that come with professional practice. Ideally, these leaders of tomorrow’s accounting world will have the knowledge and skill to help make Australia a leader in business and finance in the coming decades. They will only have the ability to do so through a forward looking education in the subject of Accounting that is focused on giving them the tools and the abilities to navigate the real world challenges of professional practice. This innovative text can serve as a capstone where students can be challenged to apply accounting theory to the real world.

Contemporary Issues in Accounting 1st Edition, features several innovative components including Contemporary Issue vignettes that bring students into the world of real accounting through the encouragement of stimulating discussion and analysis. Furthermore, Mind Maps open and anchor student’s attention through a condensed representational schema linking related concepts. Each chapter opens with one of these Mind Maps allowing students to gain an important conceptual introduction that facilitates study and understanding. Finally, Professional Application Questions guide student exploration of important issues in both the world of Australian and international accounting and finance. These questions focus student’s attention on what really maters in the professional practice of accounting and finance in business.

The authors of Contemporary Issues In Accounting 1st Edition, represent a who’s who of leading figures in the field of Australian accounting and finance. Each of the authors boast an impressive intellectual background being employed by Australia’s leading universities. Michaela Rankin, the lead author has even been awarded the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia Award for Teaching Excellence in 1998. She is also widely published. Further, Patricia Stanton is also an award winning scholar in the field of accounting and has multiple published papers win international recognition for excellence. Even better is that each of these authors have real classroom experience and so are familiar with the challenges students face when learning a subject as challenging as Accounting.

The expertise of the authors in the subjects of financial accounting and accounting theory is evident throughout the text. Students benefit from their thoughtful and clear layout of the relevant issues facing the accounting and finance world in Australia and internationally. This text will equip students with the understanding and knowledge of those concepts that are central to the professional practice of accounting and finance in contemporary Australia and abroad.

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